Thursday, December 10, 2009

Roll with the punches

Despite my most dire financial circumstances at the moment, I have been feeling great about life lately. I'm about two months behind on my cell phone bill, am never quite sure if I'm going to have enough to eat, and my job prospects aren't looking great, but still I'm not stressed about it. Things have a way of working themselves out, and so far I've made it. I discovered long ago if you worry about things all the time, your life tends to actually get worse. So I try to keep a positive attitude, not complain too much, and try to make others happy. In turn, I've received the help I need from friends and family just when I most needed it, and things are going well. I could focus on negative things, but instead I'm thankful for what I have, and not what I don't. I still have a roof over my head. I have an awesome roommate. I'm going to school. I have great friends who love me. I have a great family, and the best sister in the world. I am better off than a lot of people. Of course things could be better, but that would be the case even if I had money. Focus on the positive. Be a positive person. Things will work out.

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